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2023 Adventures

2023 Adventures

Jan 6, 2023

Adventure plans for 2023! Do you want to hear about our activities and courses for the next year?

We hope you enjoyed your adventures with us in 2022 and will be looking to return to the Cairngorms for more challenge and excitement in 2023.

At present these are the developments and activities you can look to join us on in the next year.

Access Mhor Cairngorms

This year we will be launching the website and facebook page for the Adaptive Bike and Wheelchair Hub at Badaguish. Through the hub you will be able to hire the equipment and book our guides for a ride.

We will be offering open days to test the equipment as well as demonstration days with the manufacturers and guided rides with specific types of bikes that will be open to individuals to book on.

Throughout the year we will also be supporting biking and walking events in the area with the use of bikes and wheelchairs as well as our staff.

Hire and guided rides are available to be booked by groups and individuals at any time. To do so, please contact the Hub Manager, Calum Hendry on or by phone 07465766266.

Winter Walking

The introduction to winter walking courses are open to individuals and groups on the following dates;

January 14th and 15th

February 4th and 5th

February 13th and 14th

February 18th and 19th

March 11th and 12th

Open Days

Based on the days that you enjoyed last year we will be running a number of open days for young disabled people during the Easter and Summer School Holidays. These days will include climbing, hill walking and paddleboarding.

Paraclimbing Camp 2023

This was one of our highlights of 2022 and we are so excited to be able to offer it again this year with Glenmore Lodge. We plan to have spaces available to book by the end of next week. Watch this space for the launch of the course.


Another amazing achievement last year, was the delivery of the UK's first wheelchair adventure race. We received some great feedback from the participants and feel it would be great to run this event again. Unfortunately the event runs at a a loss so our biggest challenge is sourcing the funding to make it happen. We are currently working on this and hope to find out by the end of January this year.

Disability Training Courses

This year we will be running courses for UHI Fort William as well as open courses for individuals in disability awareness in the outdoors, Paddleability and the Climbing For All course. The dates and booking information will be on our website and facebook page.

As last year we will be running all of our adventurous activities available to schools, individuals, families, groups of friends and organisations!

We look forward to seeing you in 2023!

Partners and Funders

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